The Alderson Murder + Greg Dubeau — Graphic Designer
Telling the tale of a murderous short film without saying too much.
Services: Brand identity, graphic design, animation, and illustration for print, screen, and video
Product: Logo, visual identity and omni-channel advertising campaign
Jennesia Pedri is a Canadian filmmaker, writer for Geist, and a PhD graduate from the School of Communication at Simon Fraser University.
→ jennesiapedri.com
Jennesia Pedri
Greg Dubeau
The Alderson Murder: Canadian filmmaker Jennesia Pedri’s dark comedy
The Alderson Murder is a short-film by Canadian filmmaker, Jennesia Pedri (→). The dark comedy is adapted from the short story by Canadian writer, Gonzalo Riedel. Elsie Alderson is loath to bear an heir for her husband, James Ivy Alderson IV—one Alderson in her life is too many. Elsie poisons James, who sputters and keels over but will not die. Overcome with impatience, Elsie is determined to improvise.

Brand identity for the international film festival circuit
Together, we designed a visual identity that echoed the dark humour interwoven within the film. Drawing inspiration from the moody, neo-noir genre, we embraced a restricted colour scheme and embraced ample negative space, reminiscent of the post-modern era movie posters from the 1960s. Illustrations framed the film’s intro and conclusion credits, seamlessly integrated into a marketing campaign that aimed to promote the short film across multiple international film festivals.